Didn't Christmas feel like it went so fast? I felt like I could barely keep up with anything this year. I suppose that having an infant and a shorter Christmas season will do that. Despite the rush of the season, our Christmas was simple and wonderful. I made it easy on myself and hardly put up any decorations. I didn't fuss too much with Christmas cards either, and we stayed home for the majority of our Christmas break. Taking things slow and easy was just what we needed. It was perfect.
And, as long as it still looks and feels like Christmas out there, I might as well share some of our Christmas with you.
Christmas card photo shoot.
Our home for Christmas.
Christmas Eve. Livvy wasn't having it.
Christmas day.
Snow fun.
Warm baths.
Thanks for letting me share! Are you surviving the deep freeze? Or is it warm where you are? Right now our temperatures are at a balmy -15 with wind chills in the -30s . So pleasant, right?!? Brr...