The next day and a half were still uncomfortable, so Jason and I decided we would call the doctor the next day if nothing more happened that night. On our hour long drive home, I called my doctor who told us to come in right away so that he could check things out, reassuring us that everything sounded fine. I will never forget the look on his face as he examined me and said, "You're seven centimeters dilated already." He hooked me up to some machines there and monitored my contractions. After awhile, he told us not to panic, but to head home to pack and get to the hospital quickly.
We called my parents so that they could come and get Henry, went home to pack, and then left for the hospital. We had to take Henry with us while my parents drove the hour long drive to get him. After he was picked up, I cried so hard because I had never been away from him for more than a couple of hours. I felt a little cheated that I didn't even get to spend that last month of pregnancy with just him.
After he left, a medical student broke my water and things happened quickly. I didn't get an epidural because the thought of a needle in my spine scared me more than the thought of painful contractions. I was ready to push after about an hour at the hospital and Ollie was born shortly after. Since he was a month early, he was taken for a couple of hours to be monitored because of a little fluid in his lungs. He was 7 lb. 2 oz. and 21 in. long. Had I gone another month, he would have been quite the chunker!
A couple of notes: There are a lot of pictures in this post. Also, the pictures in the beginning were taken with our horrid, old camera.